
Why am I blogging at 6 pm on a Saturday night? Honestly, I don't know. The Hubs is at a church meeting with his Dad and Brother and I'm SUPER bored. Good thing it's only an hour! Then we can resume the usual Saturday activities like dinner and maybe a movie?
So here's some more taken-as-the-sun-was-going-down photos for you! These ones aren't as bad as the last though. Haha. But as you can tell I was too lazy to venture away from the end of my driveway ;)
I wore this to a friend's Paparazzi party last night! Paparazzi is that awesome $5 jewelry (you've probably seen it at fairs and boutiques) You do have to be careful because some of it does look cheap, but I managed to get a few really pretty, nice pieces!
I'm not actually really big on jewelry most of the time. I wear earrings (studs) and the occasional necklace but I rarely go all out. How bout you girls?
So, I'm really excited for this week!! Monday is a bank holiday, and I asked Wednesday through the following Monday off for a little mini-vacation with the fam, so Tuesday is the only random day I have to work this week! Yay! I know it sounds totally random but my family is flying out to Alabama this Thursday. My dad commutes out there for work in a really pretty area so we're going out to visit and of course spend some time on the beach! Ah, I'm super excited for that!!
Outfit Details:
Top - ModBod (Sugarlips for $5)
Sweater & Skirt - Forever 21
Tights - Target
Belt - Vintage, thrifted
Oxfords - Forever Young Shoes
P.S. Don't forget to enter my Shabby Apple giveaway! You have until October 11. Lots of entries so far!
P.P.S. I finally got Bloglovin! So follow along if you want :)

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